Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Adventure update: Hiking

Well-since my last post, we've been busy! We were in Cottonwood, where M'Adam is working, and it was FREEZING cold and rainy up there (45*). For a few days we just bummed around...then M'Adam told me we were going to go on a hike...which is new because he hates walking. So we pick a hike, get some hiking crap (I wouldn't let him get a $30 stick and he wasn't happy-like we hike enough to even have hiking crap) and it turns out that where we wanted to hike was all rainy. We ended up going to a couple state parks around the area of Jerome, the Tuzigoot, and some near Sedona- where I got a red rock shirt I'll have you know- and had fun in the rain...as well as the other billion tourists :) M'Adam bought himself a 'treat' which I'll have to write about later when I can post pics (I get all the way up there and don't have my digital camera...nice). He was really good to me all weekend...he even walked an art gallery with me...but I did get suckered into going to Indiana Jones with him. We even had fun in our dork trailer- without heat for a few days...and Otto tried to chew everything despite having his toys and a dirty little bone he found outside. Hopefully it will continue to be as fun as it's been for the gypsy parade...and hopefully the next adventure update will come with some freaking pics eh??

Monday, May 19, 2008

Just today- Nothing fancy

M'Adam is in Clarkdale, AZ... so I will be joining him today..in the trailer :)
I've decided for sanity purposes that I will come home for portions of the week, but it's nice and chilly up there this time of year (nice break from HEAT). And really, the only thing to do up there is camp- or go antiquing...which means there may be some awesomely tacky things coming home! Perhaps for YOUR living room too!
This morning I also had a doctor's apt, so me and my little belly went- we heard Baby's heartbeat today- very strong! We are exciting to find out what we're having in the upcoming weeks!
And I gotta shout out again- Emily got engaged!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Sighs and Smiles

Does anyone know what yesterday was? LAUNDRY DAY! I hate laundry day. You'd think I'd get wise and do a load a day, but no...I torture myself with procrastination until I have too many loads to want to think about...and all that folding. Folding and putting away is the worst part! And I'm really particular about it-shirts just-so, towels in 1/2, 1/2, and 1/3...then you have to put it away! I know where everything in my home is...but does M'Adam? Of course not! That leads to rooting around 'ruining' my just-so-ness. Why do I care when they're his things in his drawers? I'm a woman...I have to care. During laundry day (since I'll be home all day) I also pick up the rest of the house. Everyday I dread this, then do it and remember how easy it is and how much time it doesn't take, and wonder why I don't just keep on it, or why I make such a big deal about having to do it. My husband would laugh at that. You see, not only does every man appreciate a clean house (especially when his effort is minimal), but that's pretty much my only job. That's right people- I'm spoiled. I am a 22 year old housewife...already loving the kept life- which will stay that way seeing as I don't want to work with kids at home and Baby is due sometime in October. It's not that I wouldn't work...I've just never had too- I having every intention of opening SOME business someday...but for now- life is all good. I know I should remember that I'm lucky...but you'd understand if you saw our laundry pile! ;)

I also want to shout out for some birthdays today! My littlest sister Heidi "Beeb", is 13 today...yeah! a whole new world of movies open up- and my nephew Reed, is 4 today...he informed us that he didn't want family at his birthday this year...funny kid. I also want to send a pre-shout out for M'Adam's sister Emily, who will be 26 tommorrow!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Yesterday M'Adam came home- we thought we'd have a few days before he had to be out of town again...but no. This morning he was called BACK to the same place! Fun job right?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Here's to family

So, yeah- I'm not big into computers, but I do tend to whine or brag so when my sister asked all of us to blog to keep it easy to keep up with each other...I figured enough happens around here that I might be able to keep up! M'Adam works out of town a lot so we are kind of the gypsy type right now- you're in for some funny stories! We just recently purchased a SMALL trailer to stay in while we're away...it's decent enough, but M'Adam is 6' tall and let's say the whole shower situation is pretty hilarious itself! He just left this morning- I'll join him in a few days- so this blog is just in time for the adventure!
More to know during the upcoming adventures is that we are pregnant with baby one, which may make for some fun twists. We also recently added a new puppy to our family, and we are usually joined on the gypsy parade by family members who work in his same company(his father and older brother) and their families. It makes for some fun times!