Wednesday, October 28, 2009

pick, roll, SICK.

Okay- let's all pretend we don't do that every now and then... truth is we all do. Well, no more for me!!
Today I was cleaning my house finally and I actually got to the floors! YAY! Except I had to keep going over it again and again cuz there were these teeny little bumps around certain areas that we don't eat it... hum... so as I get out my little scrapy thing, I see one of the boys with finger in nose. GROSS. It occurs to me that these little dots are buggers!! Oh, was I grossed out! (I know it's not just the little boys too!) I finished mopping but I am not convinced my floor is clean...even after being lysol'd. I think I need a steam cleaner- and to use it DAILY.

Monday, October 26, 2009

fire? here?

so the other day i am getting ready for church...i have to be on time to pray...and im tired of looking like a bum so i got cute for the occasion. i pick up my siblings (m'adam was already there with the boys) and just as i get to the last turn i see in the distance (300 yards) a firetruck. well, i figured they'd go down the road i was on, so i turned. then as im pulling into the building i notice they ARE following me. no smoke to be seen, i figure that a close by barn is having a rubbish pile fire and lalala my way into a parking spot...then i notice a ton of people loitering outside the building. theres always someone to let you in. and heres the firetruck. so i think, well, there are a few elderly in our ward... and lots of kids to break an arm jumping pews...

nope. from what m'adam heard: 'everybody out!' and CRASH (glass for fire alarm) then BLLLLLIIIIIINNNNNGGGGG, there is a fire. apparently an electical fire in the RS room. well, we wait for word from the leadership as per what will happen. go home. i got all cute for nothing. and i got teased about being too shy to pray in public so i must have prayed for a way out. at least they dont question the power of my faith! hahhaha.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Around this time of year I often reflect back on childhood... the good parts. Why now? Mostly because my birthday is coming up, and partly because this is the season the good stuff happens!

Apple fest in Juliann Cal. was going on. Yum PIE!

I remember every october we'd look through all our dance costumes from the year and pick the one we'd wear trick-or-treating in Bard.(My favorite treat was Charlie and Elaine Nelson's popcorn bags...oil popped)

My mom would paint our toes with Halloween themed pictures.

It would cool off enough for my mom to bake and me to enjoy outside- I'd lay on the trampoline looking at the sky for HOURS. Maybe even sleep out there!

My Grandfathers' birthdays were also around this time...barbequing in the desert and riding horses was looked forward to all year long!

Picking the PERFECT pumpkin to carve.

There'd be parties at school, trunk-r-treating, by b-day(and my best friend's) and trick-or treating...mostly in the same week...probably why my dentist saw me often.

I'd go hunting with just me and Dad. Usually dove, but we went for quail twice.(this also meant donuts!)

You got chosen for a dance routine in the NUTCRACKER.

And of course, you knew things like fall break, and the rest of the holidays were coming.

I don't know... it all seemed to loosen up and get fun. I am wondering what traditions we should start with the kids... we started seeding for the garden and they LOVED helping (it's dirt right?) We put up a few decorations and the boys each got one in their room. I hope to do jack-o-lanterns soon... too hot to do them too quick.

Friday, October 16, 2009

What can you do but laugh?

Oh... I might go nuts lol!

We have 3 beautiful kids who are full of life! Most of the time they are fun... but sometimes...
I remember being a kid- wondering why my mom seemed to have days where she'd seem not as happy to see kids in the morning. (my sisters and I call these the hair-up days). I have it all figured out now. I simply wake up without patience on occasion. NONE. I don't think anyone thinks those days are fun... wonder what my kids will say in 20 years.

That's all we've been up to really- kids, garden boxes, family coming to see us, blessing Kadin, TRYING to keep a semi-clean home (not working), and my favorite... family nap time!! Anyone who's home gets to sleep lol.

I finally got pictures up yay! They uploaded in 20min- a quick time on this comp- and in reverse order of course.

Mudd Bath

Can you tell how me and M'Adam were raised??

Sweet Moment

Baby Kadin

Like Brothers