Oh... I might go nuts lol!
We have 3 beautiful kids who are full of life! Most of the time they are fun... but sometimes...
I remember being a kid- wondering why my mom seemed to have days where she'd seem not as happy to see kids in the morning. (my sisters and I call these the hair-up days). I have it all figured out now. I simply wake up without patience on occasion. NONE. I don't think anyone thinks those days are fun... wonder what my kids will say in 20 years.
That's all we've been up to really- kids, garden boxes, family coming to see us, blessing Kadin, TRYING to keep a semi-clean home (not working), and my favorite... family nap time!! Anyone who's home gets to sleep lol.
I finally got pictures up yay! They uploaded in 20min- a quick time on this comp- and in reverse order of course.
Mudd Bath
Can you tell how me and M'Adam were raised??
PS. yes we totally buzzed heads, and kadin's toes are painted lol.
They are adorable! Camden lives in the mud too....mud makes a child happy and so I'm perfectly fine with a day in the mud. You need to e-mail me your story of how you were granted guardianship of these kids. I am fascinated and think it's amazing of you guys.
Hi! So adorable! Love the mud bath--that looks like fun!
Love it! They are having so much fun together. The "Like Brothers" pic is great.
Thanks for the pictures!
thanks for finally getting some pictures up! PS i loved when your mom let us play in the mud.
Cutest boys! Those pictures remind me of when you girls played in the mud! I wish I would of had a camera handy for that! But I was always in the mud too. Auntie Pat was the photographer!
Too cute!!
Wow, the mud picture is so cute. Thanks for letting us come and visit you. It was so much fun!
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