Monday, December 15, 2008

Anything and Everything... as many of you know, I've been going nuts. That is until I went on STRIKE from almost everything and finally got to take a long hot bath! (showers aren't as good) Now it seems that Heavenly Father is reminding me that it's not always going to go my way, but it'll get done and everything will turn out. So I've given up on worrying finally too! Bring it on world...and it has. It's funny cuz I've always worked better under pressure, and a worry wart...however that works out...

Brownies are good. Most of these were eaten in one night...which isn't bad considering. As you can see, we like the edges best. We had a small war on who would eat them...M'Adam came in and ate the corners which everyone knows are the best, BUT we've always agreed that we each got two. Well, M'Adam tried to eat mine, resulting in me running across the house to grab it out of his hand at 5 am. After I ate it with a smirk we both laughed at each other- we're dumb. Lol, I wonder how many brownies will last until he gets home tonight??

This little boy right in the middle is my nephew Reed, who had his FIRST soccer game on Sat. He had more fun running himself into the goal than chasing the pack of children surrounding the tiny ball, but whatever. :)

This is Drake...already such a man. Look at that lounge!

Hehe- I think he's cute...I know I know, moms do that.

AND apparently it's hard being little- he passed out like this the other day. I wanted to as well!

Anyway- Much love

Friday, December 5, 2008

If I'm going bald...

don't tell me. It would just be one more thing I would worry about... and I'd be mad at the self inflicted injury from pulling my hair out.
So yep that's me- Little Miss Worry Pants. And of course, my causes of worry are stupid, but can I give them up?? NO. We get to close on our house NEXT yeah I'm worried they will rip our approval away or I won't have all the paperwork correct. Or, I won't have everything packed before the brute squad comes to help us move. (thanks- all our man friends!) I'm afraid to that something will be wrong with the house (My mom and her husband had a few things that the builders "forgot to mention") not the Merry Christmas I'm looking for.
I'm worried about our new ward...getting my baby blessed blah blah blah.
And I'm worried I shouldn't talk to anyone cuz I have a special knack for being rude without thinking on these kinds of weeks... and no one helps a rudey.
See? All dumb. If our house doesn't close- we'll find somewhere else or stay where we are...if the paperwork ain't done...we'll reschedule for two days later... if the brute squad comes, they'll throw stuff in a box for me, and if the builders mess up my house, well they'll just have to fix it.
In reality- this will all be over in like 2 weeks. And it doesn't matter when my son is blessed as long as we can share it with our family and friends.
Why is it that I can know these things but to little comfort? Probly cuz I'm sitting in a house full of boxes and piles and I don't have all the info I need for paperwork. I need to say 'oh well'... but I can't. Who raised me to do that? I love you mom (who by the way NOW can say oh well, so what- 20 years?)
I need to take a long bath...but dr.'s orders are no- I think he's trying to drive me to drink.
I guess I need to keep to the ticked off tuesday schedule and not let it bottle this big...

On a happy note, I love my son...who for some reason can keep me from packing, sleeping, or getting much alone time with my best friend M'Adam, yet I still adore.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

I'm thankful for...

This year I am thankful for a lot of things... but I'd have to say that one of the bigger things is family. We've had family stay with us, family we stayed with... family to help and gain help from. M'Adam and I both have families who are fun, caring and there to support us! Our parents have been great this year- and we've had a lot of fun with all our siblings. We've enjoyed our nephews and nieces, cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents. We both enjoy living near enough to our families to keep in touch, and hang out- or time we have to be with the members who live farther away. This year we were able to play with most of our family members a few times, which was great- we love when we can all be makes for funnier game nights!

I posted this picture because everyone wants to see the new house, and I get in trouble for not updating more...but also because it represents the place where my little family will grow! M'Adam and I are so excited for the chance to grow up together (I'm not sure how much we'll grow up...) and raise a family and this is the place where our son's first memories will be.

Speaking of him, here's my teeny son! He's 4 weeks old today- and he's so big. The fuzz on his cheeks is almost gone... (sad that I care). I am thankful that we decided to bring him here. I am thankful he has a good father to help him through this life...even if he's already a momma's boy. :) I am thankful too that he comes from our heavenly family and that we can be sealed to him and continue our family into eternity. It's amazing to think that we all shared a family bond before, and Heavenly Father allows us to keep expanding it. I am also thankful to be sealed to my parents, and that M'Adam is sealed to his. I know that our families are made of the people we needed in our lives... Heavenly Father has a way of making everything work, and I have seen my need for M'Adam's family as well as the need for him in mine. Since we have been married, we have both expressed the realization that the bonds with our families have grown. We are both thankful for that!

Friday, November 21, 2008

I got tagged again-

This was a tagging. And a long one at that!
8 things...

I'm passionate about:
-My hubby.
-My teeny son.
-Reading (sometimes...and vampires apparently)
-The anti-bug war in my home (oh yes, WAR-raid is a bff)
-Not eating at cheapy restaurant chains like Ruby Tuesday and the 3 that are the same. Gross.
-'The arts', dance, painting- ya know.

Phrases I use the most:
-I love you
-MMMMuughght (that means don't)
-Nobody listens ta me!! (will go on my headstone probly)
-HEY! (as an attention getter)
-Why do you hate me?
-Are you kidding?
-Friend (refered to in many connotations, ex: hey friend, get off the road friend...)
honorable mention: I'm just sure (stolen from Spilsbury's... we all say it)

Things I want to do before I die:
-Travel everywhere
-See my children to adulthood
-Get my foodstorage done :)
-Wear a ridiculously expensive designer gown to a fabulous event!!
-Publish a song or two
-Open a business (I have a few in mind...Mwahahah)
-Bury my parents (sounds bad- but I don't want them to have to bury me)
-KNOW that I have a pass card to the level of Heaven I want.

Things I need RIGHT NOW:
-A million dollars
-2 more arms
-A few more hours to my day (for sleep)
-That black/brown buffet at Razmataz
-A bath (I hate having to wait to take one...showers aren't the same)
-A horse and the land to put it on
-Revelations (the 3rd book in the Blue Blood series- which I may or may not like better than Twilight)

Places I want to visit:
-Rome (after they build the temple)
-New Zealand
-Oregan (My friend)
-Pennsylvania (My cous)
-Louisianna (My cous)
-San Francisco
-Some fabulous island

Favorite Restaurants:
-Baci (Italian)
-Ah So (Japanese) sorry Em, I still like it better than Beni's!
-Cravings (Mexican)
-Abuelo's (Mexica)
-Carraba's (Italian) MMMM bread.
-Frashier's (Steakhouse) MMMM dessert - it's a MUST on my b-day.
-Bahama Breeze (Jamacan?) sadly, they ripped it away from me!
-Rubio's (Baja) MMMM Fish tacos.
honorable mention: Chic-fil-a (thanks to my aunt Kathleen for introducing us many years ago)

TV Shows I watch:
-How it's made (I'll never eat most lunchmeat again!)
-Paris Hilton's my new bff (sad-lol)
-reruns of Will & Grace
-reruns of most sitcoms
-Jump Start (VH1)


I'm supposed to tag who ever is left to tag... Sab, Joan, Mom...Aika...

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Mommy's little man is getting bigger. I'm sad. To me, he already looks twice as big as he did at his homecoming. I can't even think about how much he'll change in the upcoming weeks!
He is already a funny little. He shakes his head side to side before taking a bottle, will not be lulled to sleep until he wants and can pretty much sleep through anything but a diaper change! He is quiet when awake and loves to be cuddled- as you can see he prefers our bed to his... and has taken over our hearts as well as my side of the bed. Oh, and that expression... is a happy one. He has an extensive array of expressions already... and he thinks he's tough! He tries to hold his head up, and succeeds for a good 10 seconds, and today he managed to turn from himself over. Hmm... we'll have to watch out for that. But when he's awake he's a sweet sweet boy, and he looks at me and M'Adam with such love. It is pretty much heart melting to hear him coo at us. I will miss this stage when it's gone. :(

Monday, November 10, 2008


so... I was up feeding my son this morning thinking of the country and the paths it could take under our new leadership and the things he wants to accomplish. And this play on words came to mind- coincidence?? HMMMM. Anyway, I'm sure a hundred newspapers have already said the same thing- but at 2am I thought I was pretty clever.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Introducing : Drake H. B. S.

Not that these pictures got uploaded in the order I wanted or anything- ugh...but alas, the waiting is over and my son is here! And it was quite an experience. I didn't realize how involuntary the wave of adoration was...and immediate! We love our perfect little... Laydee and Drake on our birthday!
He was born on the afternoon of my birthday-7.7lbs/21 1/2 inches long.

So sweet!

The first moments... :)

Mommy and baby

My sweet boys...
What a few days! I went into to be induced on Wed @ 5am...didn't get seen until almost 8 (lots of babies coming) had to wait until 10 for my drugs to get there since they didn't have that ONE at the hospital...waited the 12 hours for it to run it's started on the labor drug at 11pm that night. An hour later I opted for the epidural...why be uncomfy for unknown amounts of time?? I was having a lot of contractions, but a few set backs...every contraction I had cut the baby's oxygen (the cord was around his belly) and a tiny part of my cervix wouldn't give up. My dr. came at around noon to check everything and realized that baby's head was stuck behind my pelvis...he was unable to lower himself! So the dr. decided to ready the surgery room, but try to pull his head under manually which-thank heaven-worked. Then I got started and 40 minutes and a lot of ice (they had to put me on oxygen for baby-hello cottonmouth) our son was born, without surgery...Yeah. Lots of praying there.
My recovery is going well- and Drake is a champ at home life. Just a calm, peaceful boy...for now.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Laydee and the new house

Disclaimer: This is M'Adams first attempt at blogging.
Laydee in her livingroom. Check out that belly...
Yeah drywall!
Yeah stucco!

Yeah foam!

Yeah wood!
Yesterday we went to the hospital on a false alarm water breakage. Three hours in triage while the nurse checks everything out is not my idea of an ideal saturday but it's better to be safe than sorry right? I just wanted to give a shout out the person (I'm sure it was a man) who decided to put cable T.V. in all the hospital rooms. God bless you. I don't know how they did it back in the day. My poor father had six kids! Can you imagine the countless boring hours waiting and waiting and waiting six times! Props to my Dad. (Mom too. She did all the work I guess). Oh and poor Laydee. She had to lay perfectly still while they monitored contractions and the boy's heartbeat. Her belly was itching really bad and someone was way too into his football game to really pay attention. Maybe the T.V. thing isn't such a great idea. It's debatable.
We've started working inside of the Mesa Temple. We're changing all the dryers, boilers, water softeners and gas & steam lines. It's really weird to be in there in plain 'ol work clothes while all the workers and patrons are in white. I get some strange looks walking in from people outside in there sunday best waiting for weddings, baptism or whatever. Temple goers are funny about parking too. We have a section of parking lot coned off so we can park work trucks, trailers and forklifts and if we turn our backs for a minute, some woman or old man or whoever, will move a cone and park their minivan right in the middle of us. Yo! WWJD?

Sunday, October 19, 2008

I got tagged!

My cousin tagged me! My task, 6 unique (it said weird- but I changed it) things about me- though I'm sure I could go on forever!

1- I love to hate smut tv. Normally someone would admit to being addicted and watch faithfully, or steer clear... me? Not so. I think they are so cheesy, like Paris Hilton's new quest to find a best friend... but, if I see it's on-I have to watch! (although I do dislike truley shows like TMZ or E! true hollywood)

2- I hate to clean the bathroom... cuz it's gross- and it hasn't quite dawned on me that IF I clean it... it won't be. (I am on strike right now by the way... cuz M'Adam makes the messes, so I'm waiting for him to take his turn cleaning) This is the same way I feel about the gas station. GROSS. I would rather fill up 1/2 way twice then stay the whole 10 minutes to fill up. I feel so dirty after going to the gas station... but we've been working on that- I've proudly filled up 4 times in a row!

3- I like to pretend I'm far away... by playing themed music and cooking themed food. I love home and all- but some days, Italy calls.

4- I love a challenge but rarely challenge myself. I feel I work my best under pressure, which stresses me out- I don't know how I manage to be a perfectionist and a procrastinator!

5- I think I can 'tell' what my body needs. For example, if I drink a soda... I can feel I didn't need it. Or I'll HAVE to have a piece of fruit, then feel much better after eating it. I won't eat the same thing in a short period of time most of the time... which makes leftovers hard... and I mentally can NOT eat beef or fish 2 nights in a row. Pregnancy has thrown this all out of whack by the way-me and my daily Kit Kat.

6- I can sing. Do most people know? Nope. I am totally shy of it nowadays- you can even ask M'Adam. All he's ever heard is goofy, make fun of people singing... and church(our ward doesn't only sing 20 songs, and I don't read music so nailing those are difficult and usually HIGH). I can belt it out in the shower and when no one is home- but can't seem to even sing along to a song next to another person without eventually starting to me goofy. Gee I can be insecure!

M'Adam has been feeling left out in the blog dept. so I'll 'tag' him and add his 6!

1- He openly likes smut tv, gossip radio-etc. If there is some scandal or bit of news about a celeb... he already knows. I've tried to get a scoop before him, only to call and he'll tell me. It's pretty funny.

2- We have a bad habit of talking like kids. And when I say we... I started it as a pouty thing-then he took it on and sometimes without knowing it one of us is talking like a 3 year old! It drives him crazy... but I've noticed that when I haven't all day- he will!

3- He's really a laid back guy- carefree, and lax about most things. Until you hit one of his particulars... like a messy car. It really makes his skin crawl. There are strict rules like no food... take out everything as soon as you get home (cab and trunk/bed) and the like. Poor guy married me... queen of eating in the car- which it kills him to compromise on... it makes for some long and funny road trips though, with all of our get and and eat pit stops.

4- He only likes the animals HE wants to like. Like this dog, or that mule...

5- He is a tenderheart, you might not realize that by looking at him though. I'll look over at him some days completely surprised to see my 6'2, 275 lb. muscle man almost in tears for some cutey reason like he wants to be a good daddy or he misses something- or here's the best example: we had a primary class of 9 yr. olds and our last day of teaching was the week before testimony meeting... the next week some of the kids bore their testimonies... the sweet simple kid ones- he was crying like a baby.

6- He claims to not like being in the bathroom. Won't do the majority of 'getting ready' in there... quick showers- ya know. BUT I had to put a clock in the toilet room so he'd see how long he stayed in there.

*- another we'd US thing... we have all this camping crap- and are always on the look out for more. Ask me how often we've GONE camping.

See? I told you I could go on forever!

P.S. no one ever told me I do ... WAY too much!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ticked off Tuesday

Again, Tuesday has come upon me. Nothing fabulous has really happened in the past couple days... I had a dr. appt.- no progress...I could be ticked (the nurse told me to do squats) and...that's really about it. M'Adam's sister Faith came into town so we played with her...ate some really good pie and had a bathroom incident. Hum. I'm glad it's getting cooler outside though- we worked in the garage today and started separating all our stuff to make it easier to move (our garage is the storage place for oh, like 7 different people!) I decided I may also start boxing up my kitchen and office stuff that doesn't get used too often as well. I could be ticked about that. Oh- our house is coming along nicely...they are up to the pre-drywall phase! It looks like a house! I've already got lots of plans for the decor, backyard layout and porch looks I want to go for...which I'm sure will take me a year or two to complete. I could be ticked I'm not ridiculously wealthy. But, I'm actually not too big of a beast the past few days...sorry ticked off Tuesday- I don't feel like ranting! (which I gues is ok cuz Joan didn't either!)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

On the band wagon...

Several of my cousins decided to do a 'top ten' childhood memories today... and since I don't want to be left out... :)

1-playing 'BEAT' with my dad...which always resulted in getting the 'jackhammer' which pretty much meant getting tickled til we almost peed our pants...we finally beat him one day in highschool...he didn't play with us after that...

2-my parents making like 5 different things for dinner...spagetti, which my sister hated, chicken something...breakfast for dinner (eggs in a hole), saurkraut- like 2ce a year...but still- yuck, and of course frito supper...which meant a picnic in the living room! I don't remember eating much else.

3-family living with us... some good times, some not so fun. Sabra made lots of cookies and made us feel cool-dancing around the house, Kathleen helped us make TV shows talking upside-down with faces drawn on our chins, and my aunt Kim, who had my 2 cousins-full house!

4-pretending to be some daily- and occasionally in the mud.

5-breaking my nose.

6-having MAROON crushed velvet airwalks...I was so cool, they were the envy of 5th grade.

7-getting to go with my best friend and our moms to get school clothes in San Deigo until jr. high- that was so fun! we didn't go to the same school, but we always ended up with a few matching outfits... just cuz.

8-my little sister STEALING half my blankie...and the maid throwing my half away. (beast)

9-getting stuck on the porch one night that my mom threatened Brit and I if we didn't stop talking we'd be outside...and we were! we shared a large room, and for some reason didn't like to use it to sleep! (we were let back in 5 min later by the way!)

10-getting to go to the beach every summer...and every summer came with Brit's declaration of "I'M NOT GONNA GO TO THA BEACH!"- but we did, and we always had fun getting sand everywhere and boogie boarding WAY out there...which was only waist high!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Well, two of my little sisters are in town- so we've been playing...though I'm kind of boring right now!

It was General Conference this weekend...and wow, they were talking to me about a lot of things...I have always had a love for those men, and it makes it easier to do what I need to do at their request (for like 2 weeks). I was thinking this weekend about how we are kind of seeing the BOM stories in action lately. God gives a land of promise to our Forefathers, they establish righteousness, and the gospel is restored...our faith is tested, and tested...we do well and many become a pride seeking people who forget gratitude and the hand of the Lord in their lives. We all know what comes next. HUMBLING. If anyone can describe our current situation as anything less, let me know. But I like that one Authority spoke of the latter days not being to fear and tremble but to be believing. If we are prepared (or preparing) we will be blessed and though the path may be rough, our reward beyond the veil will outweigh ANYTHING we undergo on this earth. Good to kn0w, but hard to remember somehow. They also spoke a little on change, and not letting the stresses of life get to you, and being meek (my challenges)...and armed with my strengthened testimony, I think I can do it!

(We've kept up on our goals we made for the 100% challenge so far...I hope we can get to the temple soon...and I'm not sure if I should fast-anyone?-nonetheless we are doing better at it than ever before!)

I'm really excited because the last book of my Great and Terrible series came out early and I was able to snag one- I'm already well into it!

M'Adam volunteered to home teach some inmates at a prison near town... I'll try to get him to blog about his experience as he describes it so well!

AND- I had a Dr. appt. yesterday...and would you know it...the count down begins! I've started 'dialating'- yeah!(But now for sure can't travel- and we have some exciting family things going on-My oldest little sister gets married not this weekend but next!)

Monday, September 29, 2008

This one's for Joan-

I have been blessed to have two cousins my age. Graduated the same year, blah blah. We've had our close times, and our times of doing our own thing. Right now the other two are in school- one doing the grad-thing(back east), the other doing the little miss school thang(down south). Sadly, our conversations have come to once in a while phone calls when one of us is having an emotional day. I hope they know I love them on my good days too! It's been really great having them...cousins are better than friends, cuz they love you in that family way- the brutally honest way...but they don't have that 'sister dynamic'. The perfect combo. (does that make sense to anyone else?) I've been missing them a lot...two of best friends.

One recently dedicated tuesday to be 'ticked off tuesday' but I don't think I can wait til tomorrow to whine!

I'm so sad, annoyed, and cranky lately. I know- pregnant people do that...but why don't they warn you it's not really fixable? I am such a 'debbie-downer, BEAST' lately. This stage sucks.
I want to get out of the house- I have nowhere to go, no desire to get dressed, and once I'm out...I want to be home.
I want new clothes and I can't remember what I looked like before. Maternity is no fun.
I don't like the physical changes one's hard to feel attractive when you're a huge bump that MOVES (yeah foot coming out practically) and you're 'leaking'. It takes forever to do anything like shave my legs, or paint my toes...and I'm out of breath by the time I'm done. I'm swollen. NOT SEXY.
I'm drying out- and breaking out.
I'm annoyed with kids...for no reason.
I can't take my relaxing baths anymore cuz I can BARELY get out of the tub (and I found a spider on my towel- gross.)
I want to eat- but M'Adam went on a 'diet'...and nothing tastes good anyway.
I can't do anything around my house...and M'Adam has been working a lot- so my helper is gone. How the heck am I supposed to decorate for Halloween- my fav holiday?
It just seems like I have a million things I want to do, but when painting my toes takes an hour- what choice do I have but to wait for help? And now that my helper is gone I can feel it- HELPLESS.
I HATE that feeling. It's the worst...and apparently it won't be going away for a while.
I know every woman goes through some degree of why cry when I'm not alone? Then again- I've never been good at the fake smile thing. I'm just done. 5 weeks seems so far away, yet so close when I think of what I want to get done before Baby. I think I'll make a paper chain and count the days- they say you learn everything you need in kindergarten. Yep, a paper chain and some kool-aid.
Oh by the way- I love Joan, and Bex too!

P.S. a b-day shout out for our niece who's 3, and our nephew who'll be 12 tomorrow.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Just so you know...

We've been at our goal for a week now! And it's been easier that I thought to keep it up. We decided to do our 'family' study in the D&, I didn't do full seminary- so it's opening my eyes to A LOT! I had no idea the gifts that were given and that J. S. had his taken away for a season. Makes me think twice about doing stuff I know I shouldn't! I've been reading in Mosiah- Abinadi puts it down- I don't think you could have heard him speak and having an ounce of faith, not listened. I've read through the BOM before...but I was like, 15. It's nice to fill in more info (I'm actually keeping a timeline and notes!) I've never felt like things have clicked better! We've been doing good on our 'house' goals too (we're both swearers and are trying not to be, among other things)- I'm glad that so far what I haven't been motivated to do before, is more week and we'll have a habit!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

My little harvest

I went to visit Faith...and brought home a bunch of harvest season goods! Roughly 40 lbs. of peaches...which M'Adam helped me bottle and turn to jam! The jam was so yummy! Thanks to Faith's neighbor, who gave away boxes from her tree!
And each of these rows is a different type of apple, or a mix of two. CRAZY. I knew there were like 5... but apparently this wasn't even a big selection when I got online to see what each type was best for. I think I like having just 5. The fun part was that we drove to a little orchard outside of Safford and picked them ourselves! Faith got up in the tree- that was funny. I have to say I did discover one type of apple I recommend trying if you've never had it... the Elstar. MMMM!!! But after the peaches, I'm not sure I want to do the apples- they need to be done...who likes pie? Oh, and anyone that's tried dehydrating...any tips??

Thursday, September 18, 2008

It shouldn't be a challenge.

My sister-in-law just posted a challenge. Well, for me anyway. It seems that no matter how faithful I try to be, the little things get set aside for late night shows or a work of fiction...or I am simply to lazy to get to. The challenge is this:

personal and family prayer
personal and family scripture study
acts of love/compassion to spouse

date with spouse
observing the sabbath
magnify callings

pay tithing and offerings
temple work
home/visit teach (and allow to be taught)
-I'm adding:
add to year supply
acts of compassion to family member
acts of compassion to stranger

I hope M'Adam and I can do this (the challenge is 100 days- so roughly until the new year) he has always been a support to things like this, though somedays we seem to slip, and then forget to start again. My problem is that I'd rather do it at night...he is much more of a morning person, and after missing him all day, I don't always give him the time to read on his own. I guess I'll have to be a morning person...might as well, Baby will wake me anyway! AND- you have to start somewhere right?
I hope if anyone else takes on this challenge that we can share knowledge and testimony gained through the spirit and the experiences that will be placed before us- I use the excuse most days that I'm not a better saint because I simply can't be translated and leave M'Adam alone, or that the Relief Society Presidency ain't ready for me. But in truth, I guess I'm too selfish to do the simple things asked of me. Which I am now humbled for; we are given so much, and I am continually blessed despite my shortcomings. I am grateful to have a Father in Heaven who loves me that much...and gives me so many chances to figure out what I already know- life is better, happier, fuller and more meaningful when you are obediant.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Ok...maybe I shouldn't read.

As you know, I've been working my way through the Great and Terrible series by Chris Stewart. It's pretty much a look into doomsday with all the glamour of a Tom Clancy novel- but it has the spiritual twists that make it a great LDS read, and reminder of the possibilities. BUT- it is totally freaking me out now that I am into book 5. I am a worrier by nature anyway, and I'm one of those 'has to be perfect conditions' people so doomsday freaks me out as it is. I hate throwing a party without every detail am I going to do BOOM- now live!!? I've been working on storage...not as far as we need to be, but there's only so much we are able to do right now. In this book senario, the U.S. is hit by a Nuclear missile, taking out the capitol...then hit by 4 Scud missiles (EMP-electromagnetic pulse) which pretty much wipes out our entire government, then all electric anything. Back to the good ol' horse and cart if you got 'em days. Of, course this results in riots, people killing each other over bottles of water- you get it. So, here I am- KNOWING that AZ. Sen. Jon Kyl actually DID write an article about how that would be a huge possiblility for our nations downfall (inviting?) and can I just say little ms. worry is totally freaking out! I'm moving to my aunt's house. :) I'm not so much worried about not having things...other than food and water...I really could wear the same outfit for a week if I had to- tried it when I was a kid one summer. But, I'm worried about having to defend what we do have...I mean what would you do if someone was trying to break into your home because they know you've been storing? Or think you have cash? Sharing sounds like the Christ-like thing to do...but then we have the parable of the 10've been didn't prepare- you're out kinda thing. And hello- would I be able to harm another person, or watch my husband do, to keep my family safe and fed? M'Adam's cousin thinks it'd be easier to get dead, seeing as it's the end of the world anyway. So...death, or fight/hideout. Sounds like no fun. (And according to the Mayan calendar and 1/2 dozen other's only 3 years away!!) Gasp. I'm going back to bed!

I just love my husband...

OH YEAH! lol- (our poor kids...crazy hair awaits them!)
Anyway...M'Adam has been really fabulous lately. Making sure all my needs are met and I don't have to do too much. He's making dinner too :) which means yummy food! He's been funny lately- or at least he thinks so, and he has a half obsession with trying to fill the big trash can on dump days with all my stuff (it's a game those mornings to salvage most of our garage) meanwhile, half my front yard plants should be taking the space! (our plants are out of control! I weeded, but the bushes are huge so it didn't really help-) He's also a tough guy recently- he'll come home from work, which I KNOW is stressful at times, with some ranting story of how he almost beat some guy down...most people know he's pretty laid back so that wouldn't happen- although you might get a taco thrown your way on a bad day. Maybe it's a soon-to-be-Daddy thing... and as far as his sweet side goes- maybe I should bake more often. :) Actually he's pretty fabulous on his own, and I am totally spoiled. Last night he watched football -not a fan- so I got my back, feet, belly rubbed while it was on. I also had a bad day yesterday (woke up feeling like I'd been hit by a truck- and had scary belly worries) and he came home and took me out to our favorite restaurant- Baci, a little local Italian joint. So YAY M'Adam! I love you, and I'm keeping you!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Baking fool-

Yesterday I woke up with a wild bake! Now, as before stated- I am NO good at baking, so
where this hair came from I have no idea. I called the 'Master Baker' (Steph) and got a few ideas on what I should make. I came up with Madelines, Red velvet -Chocolate chip cookies, Cinnamon rolls, and Molasses cookies...M'Adam requested Texas sheet cake- so armed with recipes and all my ingredients I set out to make the RVCC cookies (friggin' AWESOME), and the Madelines...which needed some help. I've tried over and over to do these...they are one of my favs- but to no avail. I guess they hate me, or my recipe is that bad! Today I am tackling Cinnamon rolls...we'll see how that goes- yeast isn't my best friend.
They started our house! YAY- by now they have done the plumbing too- it's exciting!
p.s. My cousin had a b-day yesterday...she says it's no biggy- but she knows who she is so...b-day shout out!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I love Rubbermaid stuff!

I know, I know... having a mom who threw more than one Tupperware party I should be ashamed. But, I can't help it. I am a Rubbermaid fan. I have used it for years and kept my collection up and fresh...take alongs for guests and events, red tops for everyday, and the heavy duty for well...the special stuff. I have remained faithful to the brand everytime I get more...though I did try a few before settling on this brand as the best. Yay for fresh food. I was kind of skeptical when I saw the 'green' ware for keeping produce longer...but after weeks of walking by it at the store, curiosity got the better of me and I bought some. OH MY YES! I kid you not I have had lettuce in the fridge for over two weeks...still crisp. Grapes lasted FOREVER. I totally had to go buy more because I love having produce...but you know how it goes, sometimes you forget it's there and then you find it smiling at you one day...yeah won't happen again! (My mother in-law uses those 'green' bags- which work well too) I have extended my collection to include the reusable water bottles too- which haven't leaked on me yet! Heck- My favorite storage bins are even Rubbermaid tough bins... they are just awesome. What would I do without my Rubbermaids??

Thursday, September 4, 2008

I'm Wishing...

I love the fall. September 1st I set to work putting pumpkin decor around the house, bright colored wreaths...apples and harvesty things- and bust out the smelly good candles that fill my house with the smell of baking (which I need practice at...the only thing I make that I like is buttermilk pie-YUM) I wish the outdoors could match...crisp, cool air that fills you up and smells of tree and clean. Having to wear a light sweater...warm treats feeling toasty in your belly. But no- this season doesn't exist for most Arizonans. It will be summer until like December...then it goes straight to 'winter'...which is colder, windy, and dead everything. No baking- it's too hot, unless you're a trooper like a few of my sisters. No glistening snow. (though I'm glad for no frozen anything too!) Anyone who knows me knows it was a good while ago I left the fashionista part of me behind- but I long for a cold month and a closet full of fabulous coats and knee high boots...and a REAL reason to wear a beanie. Maybe I'll get to have a real fall when I get bigger... or maybe next year I'll runaway to Amanda's... you have fall right 'Manda? I wish I could this year... but the bump will pretty much keep me from going far- though I tried to be sneaky and hint to M'Adam that a trip to Julian, CA wasn't a terrible early birthday gift... apple fest is going on... the fiddlers will perform nightly soon... and we like pie!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Rant and Rave...then Rant again.

This is evidence that the night went well... Ahi in your water. We all went to McGrath's for dinner last night...not my favorite, but I've never had a problem there. We met at 7:30... didn't get our bumbling waiter for a while, and had crappy service. Our food (which arrived at 9!) wasn't fabulous and even after taking all that time- people still had missing sides- Yikes. The manager was NOT helpful at all- so the night ended with food in a glass and children drawing on the napkins. I'm sure it will take a while to get me to drive over there again. (AND the food gave me a tummy ache!)

We have a bird dog! M'Adam and Otto went on their first dove hunt and had a blast! It was my job, as per tradition, to get donuts from a local shop and since I couldn't shoot anyway- the boys left without me...M'Adam got his limit- which is great! (now we have to eat them though) and Otto was completely comfy being around all the hunters, guns, and birds. He even helped retrieve a few, which came back a little knawed on...but he's still in training. :) M'Adam had a lot of fun and I was glad to be around family in the relaxing country atmosphere. (plus grandma Evelyn spoils us!)

What else? - they are supposed to start our house soon...hopefully this week- YAY!

Other than that- I just hate politics. Maybe I'll get into it later.

OH- and thanks to Amanda I'm reading that series the Great and Terrible...on number's good! (M'Adam said after I was telling him about it that Tom Clancy already wrote that- obviously without the spiritual aspects. Not the same...boys don't get it do they?)

My little sister is crazy... she wants fairy tale dresses at her reception- and a bubble machine. Gotta love 'er.

Friday, August 29, 2008

A lot of little somethings...

I miss Shamu.

We've been having a lot of rain and "storminess" the last few days...last night was a big FAT storm...with tons of lighting- no joke it was going like a strobe light! We even brought the dogs in for the night- which never happens! We pretty much unplugged everything, and opened our blinds and watched the 'show' til we fell asleep. It was nice...'cept it'll be muggy today!

We're off on a mini adventure this evening- My dad invited M'Adam to go dove hunting this Yuma here we come! Hopefully, we'll make it home with the crib this time. It'll be a funny trip-we're taking furniture to my mom's mother...(I don't say g-ma cuz I don't claim her really...long story) and we'll come back with furniture for our home from my grandma (dad's mom). And some Chili Pepper!(really REALLY good "dirty little burritos")...oh! anyone have any good dove recipes??

I am now at 31 weeks...yikes... and I've decided to heck with birthing classes- $70 bucks for something M'Adam can't get to anyway cuz of work, and I'll forget during thanks. I figure if the women in the bush can do without, I can too. I'm getting to the point where Baby can come out now...if he wants.

YAY! We got our loan for the new house!... Our first time in Escrow- weew! The gal said it should take another week to get our building permit, so they might start as soon as the end of next week! (if you care to check it out, go to , we're in model 250 or Dalea!)

Since I probably won't get to blog til we get home-
Happy Labor day...hit the good sales for me!
And a shout-out to Brother-in-law Dan, who's b-day is the 31st!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

No Mexico this year...

For the past few years, we've gotten to go down and help with branding at the end of August. This year, with everything going on near the border and being a big bump...we probably won't get down there. I'm a little sad- it's the only time I get to ride a horse...and I have a two-year tradition of getting to throw down the last, smallest baby cow down for her brand and shots. Who's gonna do it for me?? But, we've had fun in are some fun pics of last year! Max and Jackie with all the grandbabies!
Father and sons getting the work started...and the 'Nina Fresca' in the back (Max's mule)

Good ol' Santa Maria... the cowboy from the ranch- he's a funny old dude, never can tell what he's saying when he talks... but I always get a smile and a nod.

The 'herd' crossing the river, which I hear is chilly if you get dumped in :)

View from the ranch house

And I don't know why but one of my favorite parts of the ranch is the road in. You have a dropoff and the riverbed on one side and a little ditch on the's really shady and calm...especially early in the morning! Aside from all that- I'll also miss eating meat and green chili burros from the 'disco'... but I won't miss being stinky- or racing to get home on the 'moto' to get the shower while it's hot!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Just Breathe... Big Dork

ok, repeat maybe...but I'm getting things added to my 'next 6 months' plate...
my little sister Britney is getting married! In October no less (I don't know if I'll be allowed to go-it's in SanDeigo) and she needs some been-there-done-that help... which is fun, but hello- I'm a big bump right now, there's only so much I can do!

On a different note- M'Adam and I are trying to build a house (we just decided)- I say trying til the loan goes thru- it will be close to where we are, and fabulous! But if all goes well, we'll be packing and moving with new baby- AHHH! There goes my project nursery!... so, my 'get the house perfect' goal may come to a slow...why paint if I'm leaving right? Anyway...if we get the loan I'll post more info on the house. But that adds to my life completely going topsy turvy on January...all sorts of new stuff will have come about! I've gone thru major life changes before...but this one seems different- maybe because of Nancy...but I'm sure we'll be happier than we are now after all is said and done!

I can also feel the crunch for Baby... he's moving so much now and things are getting tight...I'm at 30 weeks today! I still haven't registered for birthing classes (yikes!) and M'Adam and I, as well as the Dr., think he might come early...according to the '147 days' after movement rule, he'll come a full two weeks early! I can feel the other signs too...yesterday I was way too emotional for no reason...AND I couldn't stop myself from putting up the bassinet. The only thing that kept me from packing my hospital bag was the look I'd get from M'Adam :) And today I've been cleaning and re-cleaning all morning...nesting if you will.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Stephanie's B-day!

Normally I'd just do a shout out...but she's not doing a big b-day deal cuz we all forget how old she really is- wink. So...seeing as there's no sappy old lady card I figured I could get away with a blog. Steph is one of my best friends, and one of the first members of M'Adam's family that I got close to. We live near each other so we are able to hang out a lot, she's always there to hear my sob stories or laugh at my 'retard' moments. I appreciate her sisterhood and am really glad she married M'Adam's brother! It's funny how when you get married you find that you need the members of your spouse's family...and I needed her, she's such a fun spirit and a great support to all of us! I can't imagine our family without her dazzling smile...or the cheeseballs she makes...yum!

Dog saga continues...

So...I love dogs but mine are driving me nuts. My mom's dog went home...but the the other 'new' dog likes to dig. She's made herself a sleep hole that doesn't seem to stop growing...and a few others have grown too. Also- our little dog is a jumper (really annoying) and she's become one too in what a week? Come on now. Oh well, she's happy and it can be fixed right? Then this morning when M'Adam was leaving for work, He went to get something from the yard to throw out...two of the dogs wandered out and were checking out the driveway...then out of nowhere the other dog decided not to be good anymore and BOLTED down the street...nice how-do-you-do at 3:30 am. So I hop in the truck and drive all over trying to find her and the little dog who had decided to follow...I'm tired, want to kiss my honey goodbye, and I'm getting a sore throat...not my best morning. I get down the street and can see them...Dolci hopped in the truck bed knowing she was in trouble...but Otto decided he didn't need to listen and ran off again. I found him barking and running up and down a neighbors fenceline, bugging their dogs...nice. He was too interested to obey still so I had to stand in his path and intercept him while trying not to get runover! I get them back to the yard...and both sit down and look at me like, "what?"- Oh they know!! I just hope my day doesn't follow suit...that seems to happen often, but I like having good days.

Friday, August 15, 2008


I stole that theme song and gave it to my nephew, Reed(4). He's a pretty funny little I thought I'd share a few little tidbits, seeing as his mom doesn't blog...yet.

The other day we were in the car and Reed says very seriously, "My aunt Stacey called Mommy last night- she was really scared...she heard a noise!" I thought ok, so he's an eavesdropper...whatever and I smiled and made some 'oh no' comment or something. A few seconds later in an even more serious tone he added, "I think it was the Saskwatch." That was new... so I looked at him funny, and he then told me that they eat people. I tried so hard not to laugh- he was so serious! Later he asked if I'd ever seen one- No...had he? Then I got my favorite Reed response, "Nuh...Huh" ( it's means no...uh huh). Wonder where the siting took place...

About two months ago Reed was DYING to have a pet. His mom has little tolerance or practice with indoor animals, and he's not the gentle-est kid, so she was having a hard time choosing the right pet to bring home. She finally decided to take a trip to the PetSmart near our homes. They looked at 'dirty' fish, 'noisy' birds, kittens and puppies...all veto'd for one reason or another... being gross, fur, litter... blah blah. Rodents and reptiles had not even been considered. She asked an animal expert (they really call themselves that) about a good pet for a little boy...the answer- a RAT. Now, for those of you who've met my sister-in-law...this was not ok. The guy pulled one out and Reed was completely in love with the little rodent display already wanting one or the other... Steph almost threw up. The guy asked her and Reed to pet it, and she replied that she would not be handling it at any he could pet it. The guy asked her how she was going to get it out of the cage...after about 5 minutes of deliberation, Steph decided to touch it. This of course was the result of some major reassuring that it was clean, and friendly. She stuck a finger out and the thing curled it lip to smell her- she SCREAMED thinking it was going in for the kill. Reed, who had wandered to another isle, heard and came running back with a bag of bird blocks and a look of terror from the scream. He asked to have a pet and the blocks... then came the ultimatum. Bird blocks, or the rat... Reed chose the blocks. So, no pet for Reed! He was happy enough with his blocks... but Steph felt bad so a few weeks later she got him a single fish. It's named Thomas.

Reed has a pretty extensive collection of cars and trains... and the crazy part is, he knows them all. Anyway he's always trying to get everyone to play with him, not wanting to share the good ones and I don't think he's left the house without a proper handful of cars. M'Adam and I kept him overnight once and when we woke him up at 8 for waffles, he yawned, rubbed his eyes and said, "will you play cars wis me?" - too cute!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Life comes at you fast!

I had a Dr. appt. the other day...everything went really well- so well that my new due date is Nov. 3... a week different then the first but geez! I'm trying to stall as it is! It's so crazy to think that we have so little time before Baby arrives! M'Adam is so excited- he can't wait- he's already talking about adding on! I myself am starting to get nervous...mostly the physical stuff...pushing out a kid is getting more real everyday I feel him move...and I only have a little over a year before someone calls me MOM! Crazy!! I already know that he will grow up way too fast- they all do. I guess I should try to enjoy the next few weeks...while still mobile...and not think about all I have to prepare for, easier said right?

I feel old...which is silly- the other day I cleaned my room up really nice, and looked at it long and hard after I was done. It is all grown-up and pretty...I almost had to umake the bed and jump...and buy something bright and obnoxious to take the edge off of 'growing up'. That's crazy too- being (as my dad says) a "bigger girl!"...

So many things going on- siblings moving, people joining our family (Emily and Wendy are both engaged), babies- I can't imagine how dramatically our lives will be changed in the next 6 months- for the better- it seems so great right now, and we are so blessed to have our fortunes continue!

Saturday, August 9, 2008


Well- You asked for it. So, here it is...a "Nancy" pic. No cute- I haven't done my make-up in some time...but at least my hair ain't in a pony tail! As you can see...still not very big, but like I say- that kid is up in the back... and he likes it. He discovered recently that he could turn upside-down and kick my in the guts... knocks the air outta me! So I KNOW he's his father's child! (oh- and in my defense... I am really tired right here.) The next preggy pic I post will be of my new swim suit- it's friggin' funny.


This WAS my favorite place to get dessert... Gelato Freeze. Now- it's nothing! I was so heart broken to walk up to it...all happy and contemplating the day's flavor and BOOM. No more gelato. I think I might have cried inside.
I mean, are they trying to crush a pregnant woman's dreams?? How could they?!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Make-shift pound?

Everyone knows we have our two dogs...Dolci, a Lab/Dalmation mix- and Otto, a German shorthair (though he totally acts the hound way). M'Adam and I have recently reconsidered if it was a good idea to have them around- they don't get too much attention when it's so hot...and we feel bad for not working with them, especially the puppy. Well I called a few shelters- all full...I guess people can't afford to feed animals anymore. Then I felt REALLY bad. So we made a few goals and decided they would stay...and then we inherited my mom's Rottweiler for a week while she vacations, and the dogs get along great so no biggy right? Other night M'Adam's sister calls us- she has taken charge of the family dog Dubie, a CockerSpaniel, who out of anxiety had started completely trashing her home...poor Emily and poor Dubie. So Doggie number 4 has come to stay with us, already tried to run away-which is familiar dogs (she had a 'playmate' in Mexico) and no 'Mommy'...I'd run away too! Thankfully she had a tag and didn't get far at all...silly dog left in the AFTER a storm and was probably terrified! She was really happy to be back in the yard though- and we boobie trapped her in, so I hope she's ok 'til she can get a ride back home to Mexico. But it's funny...the other day we considered no dogs...and now our yard is full! (no- we are not offering a drop-off service!) But hey- we love dogs!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A little car for Laydee

This weekend we decided to lease a smaller, more fuel efficient vehicle (it was costing a fortune to drive the diesel truck) and this is what we got: a '09 toyota corolla. It handles well, isn't white-like everything else in our driveway-and the best part, it's cheap! We are having trouble trying to find a name for it...I thought Yoko would be funny seeing as it's Japanese, but M'Adam didn't agree.

Update on Project: My house lacks me cleaning my kitchen really well before being done with my clean house obsession- and maybe a tile cleaning. Thankfully I didn't include the garage on my to-do it will never be done:(
Update on Baby: He's growing! I had another appt. last Monday, and I had finally stepped past my starting weight and I'm getting bigger too (sorry I'll have to get some pictures taken). Most people say I don't look too big, but Baby lays in my back. I'll officially start my 7th month this Friday- which is friggin' scary!
Update on Adventure/Cottonwood: M'Adam should be done with the project this week- YEAH! Hopefully we'll get to keep him around!
AND- I have to shout out to my cousin Joan...she had a b-day...I think yesterday if I'm not insane.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

More Books!

Growing up I used to like reading...not enough to always have a book going ( I was always busy) but I read at least 8 books a year. When I HAD to read books for school, it somehow got less exciting...and I didn't pick the habit back up until after a few semesters at MCC. I was working at a restaurant in Mesa a few blocks from the on my breaks I would take a lunch and a book to the grounds and read. It was a good unwind from dealing with the job! I of course started reading a lot of LDS books, seeing as Seagull is right there...whenever I'd finish one I'd pick up one or two more. Well, around that time I met M'Adam, and caught up with him for breaks instead of reading, and it did not occur to me that I had stopped reading all together until a few weeks ago when my sister in law recommended a book series...I am now done with the second book ( it took a while to get into) but I also read a book in between- I'm turning into my cousin! she reads a book every few days it seems! But with time at night to not have to shut off the light- I am rekindling my passion for the written word.

So -please leave me your recommends...I'd love to get into some new great books!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Shower me!

Today, I had my first baby shower!...My friend Meghan and I have been friends for almost 20 years, and she will be going up north for law school in the near future. Seeing as I have a few other cousins and siblings, as well as friends that are in the same boat-Meghan threw me an early shower especially for all my school bound friends. (Sad they won't be close for the baby's birth!) We had a lot of fun, we played some fun games and I got some fun a bassinette that has a light, plays music, vibrates and rocks the baby-to heck with that-I'M sleeping in it!! I got some cute clothes, bath stuff, a boppy, and all sorts of baby necessities. It was fun to have a handful of friends together at the same time! I have to admit, I didn't know if I should be too excited for the whole shower thing...but now that this one was fun, I am looking forward to further celebrating with the rest of my family and friends in the coming months before and after Baby arrives- and getting my nursery completed! I'm finally getting to the most exciting part of 'Nancy'- celebrating with friends, actually noticing changes to my belly size on a weekly basis...and the anticipation of being nearly done!! yeah! It is nice to have so much support and excitement coming to us from all whom we love so much!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Hairyette or Silky Smooth

Necessity right? You'd think that since shaving is sort of a standard in this country-they would GIVE them to you...instead, no matter how you go, for quality you end up paying like two dollars for two shaves! could murder your legs for cheap, but you really wouldn't have that 'check me and my sexy legs' thing going. I recently discovered that disposables are about the same as buying the cartridges-and that's good for me, cuz I will not buy those anymore...a few years ago I bought some and was bringing them home and as I went to change the cartridge I wondered how clean that handle thing could be-I think I'd had it a didn't LOOK dirty, but I immediately threw it out and won't go back, I would be nuts to lysol a razor right? I was thinking about this because I have to keep mine stocked up...and I pulled out a newby this morning and realized that the whole woman regiment thing is annoying (tweezing, shaving, face gunk, waxing and bleaching, teeth whitening, hair wonder we're cranky-M'Adam's sink has almost nothing under it!) and pricey- if the world blows up- I hope I'm inside a Target. (And I'm hiding the cookies.)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My Dream Pony

I wish I had a pony. Well to be technical, a horse- and if I were rich...I'd have one of these bad boys. I have always enjoyed riding and looking at horses. Everytime we go to Mexico I beg M'Adam to ride at the ranch with me...that's the only chance I really have to ride. This year we probably won't be going due to trouble over there and my swollen belly-so I'm going to miss out on my once a year ride!:( M'Adam has mentioned getting me a pony someday...but I think he's teasing. Whenever we talk about buying a home in the future we talk about having property...and he recently told me we should buy a house pony ready. It makes me really excited but sad too- I would love to own horses, but M'Adam doesn't do the whole 'pleasure ride' thing. So it's only a personal passion (I guess I should be happy enough he wants to indulge it right?) If I do get a horse I know it won't be a billion dollar, jet black, long curly maned Friesian...but M'Adam doesn't drive a Farrari so, I'd be perfectly fine with what I get, as long as it goes. I've also contemplated running a grooming and 'babysitting' gig for the local horse owners in case my own doesn't come soon...but again, Nancy means no pony play for now. I hope my children love animals as much as I do, and hopefully one day we'll have a Friesian and a Farrari!:)

Monday, July 14, 2008

I just love M'Adam

This is just a 'thank you' to my wonderful husband with whom I shared an awesome weekend. The greatest part was that we really didn't even do anything-it is just great to have time with my best friend! We did have a few funny moments though. We had planned a stay in date night for Friday(we have a once a week date night) and so I went about shopping and prepping to make everything perfect. We were going to have slow cooked baby-back ribs, which would take about as long to cook as it would for M'Adam to drive home. He didn't end up leaving work until 6ish...then, since he had decided to bring the trailer back, he went to load up. The lights went out- and it took a good while to get a new fuse, and fix everything in working order...he didn't end up getting on the road until a little after 8. Instead of calling off dinner-I went ahead and put the ribs in and figured we'd have a 10:30 dinner, which was fine cuz he'd want to eat anyway. Oh- have I told you my oven is tempermental? It didn't even start cooking the ribs by the time M'Adam arrived. Sigh. Well by that time I was starving and M'Adam had the idea to just finish everything else and hope our 'fancy' cookware could finish the job(we spent a fortune on saladmaster cookware a while back-it's awesome!). By the time M'Adam showered and the food was ready it was a little past midnight...and the oven kicks on! I took advantage and made brownies for dessert- so yeah midnight dinner of really good ribs! The next day we spent helping each other around the house and visiting with a few friends, we went to dinner with my mom and her boyfriend and just lounged in the spots in between. Yesterday I tried to make bread- didn't rise at all so it was like a pound bread- but M'Adam ate it anyway and we(he) put his dirt bike back together and got it running. So, see? Nothing too fabulous went on...except some quality time- which was much needed for him to detox from weeks of no weekends and for me to just have my love for more than a few sleepy hours! It was good to feel missed too, for both of us to not care if we did anything but hang out together...and it was funny because we noticed that in the other's absence we've both taken on funny quirks the other has. I guess we just love each other! As you can guess, we were both sad for him go this morning... hopefully he is granted a day next weekend to play with me again. :)

Friday, July 11, 2008

God is watching us...

Somedays you wonder how your 'victim of circumstance' ways don't catch up to you...then they do and you're in a hole. Well, M'Adam and I have had some pretty dumb things come back to bite us...and this time it was the IRS. Neither of us are tax geniuses, and making a small mistake happens pretty often I'm told, but when I got our corrective notice I freaked out! We aren't rich or poor, but we've been trying to pay down debt, and collect food storage and baby stuff, so most of our 'extra' cash is spent quickly. So, I'm freaking out wondering how in the world we are going to pay by the due date (which is close)...and I remember that M'Adam had previously talked to the friend we got the trailer from, to return in. He didn't think it was worth it to have if I wasn't going to be able to gypsy with him in the coming months. Well it just so happened that the rent that would have been due to keep the trailer parked, was for the next month and needed to be paid this weekend. But with him pulling the trailer out-we owed only for the electric from last month. So-Vio-la!-the money to pay our bill! Just a little reminder of how God has a hand in our lives and won't let us fall too far!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Nirvana and Chocolate

So a few days ago, M'Adam was watching a tv program about the best top whatever songs from the 90's... and of course number one is 'smells like teen spirit'. No offense to Kurt Cobain, but I hate that song. Over the weekend I thought of a couple of things that are also totally over-rated...or under-rated-here's my top of head list- add if you will.

-stupid songs
-having a tan(that's right Mom)
-certain hem..Natalie Portman

-ice water
-bedsheets out of the dryer
-big ugly t-shirts
-gelato(way better than ice cream)

I would also like to add that in some rare occasions, something is as good as it claims to See's nuts and chews box-which I did NOT down the day M'Adam left...did I?

Saturday, July 5, 2008

New Patriot

Yesterday being Independance Day made me think a little bit. I've never been really patriotic, I mean I am happy to live here, say the pledge and stuff, but I've never gone further than that. Yesterday it did not occur to me to wear my red, white, and blue...we went to the mall to hang out with family and we saw a billion kids with there flag shirts and one little girl in particular who was head-to-toe decked out in homemade flag and Americana everything! It made me smile. I didn't feel very well, so after dinner with family, M'Adam and I retired for the evening which meant- no fireworks unless we caught them on tv after the baseball game. I thought of how American it must feel to sit at the game...all dressed up next to all the veterans eating hotdogs and singing the National Anthem...and it hit me-I'm not that patriotic at all! I haven't paid much attention to this year's politics (partly due to disappointment for where they lead) and the economy being the way it's being I have forgotten to be grateful that I live HERE. I thought about the old days when so many people migrated from all over just to be American, even if it meant sleeping 17 people in one house. Then I thought further back to how awesome our Fore-Fathers had to have build up a country, and fight for the values they did outnumbered and laughed at...and WIN. I thought about what they considered American. They sought religious freedom, and democracy- a concept in which all people have a voice and are welcomed to use it. A concept in which ALL are represented by one government. It made me remember how the political parties work and how it's become less common to come together for a greater good. And how some of my countrymen want to remove religion from all things government- which makes me sad...if only they could remember what our country was founded on...and let it apply. If only everyone was able to see good from one Presidential Candidate...or our current President- whom I like thank you! I thought of all the bad things I've heard about him...the war, and what he hasn't accomplished. I think he's done rather well. He is after all- one man. And I think that no matter my opinion of the war, there are men and women who mostly in young adult years, dedicate themselves to serve for what they think to be American- 'Liberty and Justice for All.' I know many soldiers, and I know that none would be at war if they didn't feel a need. I've heard of several brave men and women who return to war without being ordered because they feel it's right. More right than sitting at home being a spoiled housewife, or some business man. And if they feel war is for a cause- then I agree. Who am I to tell all those who volunteered to possibly lay done their life for an idea to be lived out by others that they are wrong? Freedom is necessary and I am so grateful to have it. So- today I am buying a flag (if there are any left!) to hang in my home everyday for my new found appreciation and admiration for the men and women who have established and continued the traditions that allow us to maintain the "Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave".

Thursday, July 3, 2008

A Big, WET one...

He he he- I saw this in an email, and thought it needed sharing. So- Here's a kiss to everyone that could use one today! MWAH!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Movie Day!

Yesterday I had nothing to do... so after running a few errands, I stopped by the local blockbuster to pick up a chick flick or two seeing as M'Adam wasn't around to make me rent some action thriller. I picked up: definately, maybe/the other Boleyn sister/my blueberry nights. My carpet wasn't quite dry so the love sac we own was right in front of the tv- I made a 'nest' of pillows and such and sat down for some movie time. Interesting picks I might add. The first movie wasn't what I thought it would be...but I enjoyed it. The second one- GEEZ...history is just crazy and it's amazing what people do! (by the way I love Scarlett Johansen) and the third film was some crazy weird had-to-be-'indy' film about broken people and their left me in one of those awkward self-evaluating frames of mind. And of course I felt pathetic watching flicks all day after that. Luckily that went away :)

Update on project room swap: I'm totally organized on ONE side of this house (minus the paint I want up) and the other looks like I just emptied a moving truck...but I am getting rid of a ton of stuff (very cathardic) and it feels SO great to sit in the 'pretty' half of the house. So, as soon as I get rich- I'll paint.

Update on Baby: I think he's in his own little dance class or something- that kid is always a movin'! He's turned me into a cereal junkie...and I started gaining 'baby' weight...humm...and have most days given up on trying to look presentable. (it doesn't help that I'm cleaning all day)

Update on adventure/Cottonwood: Nothing cool has really happened...and if it did I haven't been up there to notice. M'Adam goes to Denny's every morning and gets home from work to sleep- you all know what I've been up to!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Project: Room Swap

A project... every woman's need and nightmare right? And as usual it has turned into something bigger than it started. It started a simple moving of one room to another-the office to the spare room so that I could nursery up the office (it's warmer for baby in there). Well as soon as we got one room empty, I, being the nit-pick I am, notice that it needs a few touch ups...some caulking in the molding, perhaps a fresh coat of paint if I find that right color, and well- a carpet clean. I found a really good deal with a carpet cleaner who will let me take a day between rooms... but can't come til monday. So all I can do until then is move the closet crap. (I'm afraid if I paint the steam will affect the paint on the molding). So looking at the 1st step...swapping closets I realize how much CRAP I have... and I admit it is all mine- M'Adam is good about throwing stuff out. Sub-project A becomes a two part project of re-organizing and sorting to keep and toss- anyone want extra junk? Then, when I tried to move the computer and set it up, I found that the internet is only hooked to one room- the other one! Great! But I've already taken that room apart and moved desks that had to be disassembled and reassembled so it's too late to change my mind. So what started out simple has become: Swap closets, move big stuff to living area, WAIT, carpet clean, WAIT, paint, move big stuff into place, call cable guy. And to make it easy on myself, I wait til there is not a whole lot of people around to help- YIKES... but on the upside, I am appeasing my picky nature, being productive (which I can't say for weeks past), and I will end up with the fabulous rooms I envision! HA HA! After that- I'm on a break!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The dead duck day :(

Sigh. I had the cries yesterday... all day. It probably didn't help that I had a full weekend and yesterday morning everyone went to Cottonwood but me. I just didn't feel it. I do ok being alone, but I couldn't start on any of my indoor projects, and it's over 100*- so much for my outdoor projects. I stayed in and picked up a few things...then I got a call from a friend who's never in town and she wanted to hang out- sounded fun so I head to meet her and on the way I HIT A DUCK!...a teeny baby duck... and to make matters worse, it was the momma's last baby duck- I felt terrible! There she was trying to make it get up and dodging all the drivers behind me that kept me from stopping- it was so pathetic that I start totally bawling in the truck... poor ducky. I get to where my friend is hoping for some cheer up, and she's brought people with her- it's like she can't hang out with me alone anymore cuz I'm married and pregnant- us married people must not be any fun. So we shop around one shop and then she "has to go"... no cheering up and no hanging out- thanks. She'd brought me a parting gift though- a cute little towel set for the baby, but what did it have on it? You guessed it- A BABY DUCK! I cried on the way home too. Good thing there was a Carraba's on the way. I love there dang bread and dip...oh and I got gelato too- it was quite a picnic in my living room. That cheered me up a little. Today I bought a recommended book in the Great and Terrible 'series' and I started to read it...I cried before I even got through the prologue. Crying- I must be catching up for all my non-crying years. That, or 'Nancy' really does make people weird.

Sunday, June 22, 2008